Lycée Franco-Allemand Freiburg im Breisgau

Emily's Dreisam Republic: an inspiring model of commitment

Emily played a central role in the creation of a political party and her company ‘Jeux m'éclate’. In this video, Emily tells us about her experience and the skills she developed during the Dreisam Republic, a sustainable micro-state created by students at the French-German High School, transforming their school into a veritable citizenship laboratory.

Her story is a rich source of inspiration for the whole school community. Thanks to her commitment, Emily, with several other pupils, won the Republiko competition, which rewards the best achievements of the Dreisam Republic. She won a €25 voucher from Equiwi and the opportunity to attend a meeting with the French Ambassador in Berlin at the LFA.

Well done, Emily, and thank you for your remarkable social, economic and ecological commitment!