Lycée Franco-Allemand Freiburg im Breisgau

Dernières Infos

 Du 8 au 10 juillet le LFA se transformait dans la République de Dreisam!
Voici le site web.
Le dimanche 29 septembre, l'association de soutien organise sa traditionnelle randonnée d'automne. Élèves, parents et professeur.e.s sont toutes et tous invité.e.s ! Aucune inscription préalable n'est nécessaire !
Plus d'informations en consultant l'invitation.

Share your stories am UWC

PXL 20240410 100212268 minShare your stories – so heißt ein Projekt der Schülerinnen und Schüler am United World College (UWC). Dabei geht es darum, ihre Geschichten und Perspektiven aufzuzeigen. Am UWC wohnen und lernen 200 Schüler:innen aus 90 unterschiedlichen Ländern – es gibt also viele spannende Geschichten zu erzählen. Mitte April waren vier unserer Klassen, die 9b, 3II, 2L1 und 2L2, mit ihren Englischlehrer:innen Frau Klingst-Seiche, Frau Pink und Herrn Laisney, zu Besuch in der alten Kartause unweit unserer Schule. Wir haben vier Vorträge von Jugendlichen aus Venezuela, Deutschland, Portugal und Zambia gehört. Hier sind ein paar Eindrücke:

I really enjoyed the excursion because I have learned some new things about the different cultures. I also hadn’t known that there was an international school like that in Freiburg. It was really interesting because it felt like you were going into another world.

It’s cool that they speak English with each other.PXL 20240410 083940991 min

It was inspiring to hear those stories from the different people from different countries and their culture. It clarified the privilege that we have with our education in Germany. It was also interesting to see the different buildings and the garden from close by because normally we see it just from the Dreisam.

The stories of the different students were interesting because they told us something personal and explained why they have a certain opinion. I liked the campus because there were many animals and a garden. It was also interesting to hear that the students care for the animals.

I liked that they all were really nice and open.

The guide of our group was very nice and he explained everything well and was open to questions.

The school ground was pretty and the big garden was really impressive.

PXL 20240410 094736231 minI really liked the concept of the school. The fact that it’s an international school gives a lot of students an opportunity.

The people that study there will be the next members of international associations such as the CNU (= Conseil national des universités).
Lisa Pink